Adrianna Bamber / Allison Koberstein / Allison Revilla / Andrea Kang / Angela Song / Ann Shen /Atiliay / Audrey Miller / Aurora Lady / Azul Piñeiro / Bored Inc. / Bubi Au Yeung / Bunny (Pamela Barbieri) / Camilo Bejarano / catmandru! / CJ Metzger / Clara Grisanegra / Coney / Crowded Teeth /Cuddly Rigor Mortis / Doubleparlour / Em & Sprout / Emma Goo / Enkyskulls / Erica Sirotich / Eva Sowinski / Flat Bonnie / Gemma Correll / Genevieve Santos / Goreilla + Moemoe / Grace Chon /Greg Ham / Jackie Williams / Jaclyn Ashley (Shlii) / Jared Andrew Schorr / Jenipher Lyn / Jeremiah Ketner / Jerrod Maruyama / Joey Chou / Kelley Frisby / Kendra Binney / Kevin Chan / Kristen “Hapa” Lau / Laura Berger / Lisa Aileen Dragani / Liz Adams / Locketship / Luli Bunny / Marie Dolphin /Michael Fleming / My Zoetrope / Natalie Naito / Nellie Le / Nicole Piar / Oscar Rosales / Orbital Ox /Oubly / Raymond Sanchez / Rhodora Jacob / Sharodactyl / Simone Listiak / Stephanie Olivieri /Susuten / Teddy Bear Republic / This Paper Ship / Unicorn Crafts / Vanessa Ramirez / Varinya Nunez / Vitamin Cats / Yumiko Kayukawa / Yummy Pancake
THANK YOU to all the raffle and silent auction sponsors! A special thank you to Promised Events and all our volunteers. I'm looking forward to seeing the event photos, which are coming soon….Also, if you have a photo you'd like to share make sure to hashtag #DoggieWonderland for us to see and share!
The first 25 people waiting in line to get their picks of the art + a goodie bag!
Emma Goo Photography / Jarritos / Fortyone Fortyone / Sugar Queen / Vina Sympatica Sparkling Wines / Promised Events
Aquarium of the Pacific / BLD Restaurant / Desert Springs Dog Spa Resort /Disneyland / Dog Poop Bags / Dog Spa Resort / DogEared Jewelry / Emails from Shilo, translated by Susan J. Lustig / Emma Goo Photography / Flexi USA / Found My Animal / Gale’s Restaurant / Golf N Stuff Norwalk / John Paul Pet / Jupey / K9 Loft / Lauren Lukacek Photography / Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar / Lisa Aileen Dragani Photography / Lola’s for Pets / Malibu Family Wines / Marie Dolphin Photography /Nerium / Oliver Bentley’s Biscuits / Peet’s Coffee and Tea / Plush Beauty Bar / Pooch Hotel Hollywood / Premier Pet Products / Quaker Pet Group / Rosa Mexicano / Rosenthal Estate Wines /The Company of Animals / Trump National / Vina Sympatica