11:30am PST (2:30pm EST): IG Live "Our World Is A Family" book reading + chat with Miry Whitehill (co-author + founder of Miry's List)12-2pm: In Person "Our World Is A Family" book signing
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Our World is a Family is a pre-school/elementary-level picture book by Miry Whitehill and Jennifer Jackson (illustrations by Nomar Perez) that explores the experience of refugee families and those who welcome them in. With bright illustrations and thoughtful explanations, Our World is a Family discusses how refugees arrive in their new neighborhoods and how the community can help them feel welcome and further more— loved!
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Lucila (known as Luli Bunny) is an an illustrator of sweet things, especially animals, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. For over 10 years she's been designing toys, stationery, games, and books for clients all over the world!
I've known Lucila since 2012 and excited for you to read my Q&A on Luli Bunny!
Susie and Heidi Bauer are not only sisters, but the owners of the modern and colorful stationary and gift shop, LA's own, Rock Scissor Paper! Their newest and brightest designs are featured in our current window display and in our LOCAL LOVE collection. We got to chat with them about their business, their inspiration, and what it's like operating a shop in a time where businesses have had to get more creative with how they operate.
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.Writer, feminist, and craftivist Krista Suh is the woman behind the pink pussy hats knit by women (and men) all around the world. Her new book, DIY Rules for a WTF World, is a feminist guidebook on using your creativity to change the world. We asked Krista about the Pussyhat Project, DIY Rules for a WTF World, and craftivism.View Post
Katharina Stenbeck is a multidisciplinary artist from Sweden to New York, then LA, and currently living in Ojai, California. I recently got to visit her and her boyfriend’s mid-century, ranch style home that they remodeled. We talked to her about art, music, Scandinavian design, her kitty, and her new studio space!
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Sisters, roommates, and business partners Alice and Doris Lieu are the designers behind ILOOTPAPERIE, a growing stationery line from Pasadena, CA and a Leanna Lin’s Wonderland favorite. I asked them some questions about their line and their answers are just as fun as their cards!
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Together Libby and her husband, John, are LuxCups Creative. They make one-of-a-kind, hand painted faux taxidermy jewelry in Houston Texas that's totally awesome, totally precious, and totally handmade. They just shipped us a new bundle of their amazing creations that you can check out for yourself at the shop or online. We asked Libby a few questions about her life, her brand, and her creations.View Post
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