A huge thank you to everyone who came out to the Dubious Expedition Art Opening last Saturday night! AND to the artists that made this such a fun show: El Dodo Albino, Renee French, Valency Genis, Shing Yin Khor, Shana Kohnstamm, Leslie Levings, Lyla Warren, Lauren Wong and Yeti and Friends!
You can come see the show in all of its spectacular glory now until November 30th.
There are still some amazing pieces available online and at the store!
More gallery photos and event photos

The talented artists/curators/show installers/sailors Leslie and Shing!

Our Shipwrecked Costume Contest Winners of the night!

DJ Patrick Adley starting off the event!

DJ Steven Lam who closed off the event!
{ A big thanks also to our DJs for the night }

A very small glimpse of the art.
Also ... if you missed a chance to meet the artists, a little birdie told me that a lot of them will have booths at Designer Con this weekend! Tell them you LOVED The Dubious Expedition art show at Leanna Lin's Wonderland :)