Leanna Lin's Wonderland is turned 6 this summer, and we celebrated with some of our favorite artists! Wonderland Summer Spectacular opened on July 9th and ends this weekend on August 28th. These are the final few days to check out the show as we commemorate 6 years of art, fun, and creativity.
“Leanna Lin’s Wonderland is a destination I created to showcase artists, designers, and brands that I love,” says owner Leanna Lin Fong. “I feel blessed to be able to work with such talented individuals, including Supahcute, and create this Wonderland into a business of 6 years! We are excited for the new chapter into Year 7!”
10% of proceeds will be donated to DSTL Arts, a nonprofit arts mentorship organization that teaches, inspires, and hires creative, at-risk youth ages 16-21 years old.
See our gallery + event photos here!