Thank You for all your support in 2018 :)  We are ready for 2019!

In 2018 we had 8 art shows and a variety of book signings / pop-ups, including our current one with Paul Frank! We opened our doors in the summer of 2010 and have sustained over the years. As a small business in a small community of Eagle Rock, it's a constant struggle to make ends meet and really grow. Over the past few years, a handful of retail shops on my street have closed and we've been powering through.

It's a new year and if you love Leanna Lin's Wonderland, we appreciate your support whenever you need a fun pick me up for yourself and/or an eclectic gift! We want to stay in the community as a brick and mortar and love Eagle Rock and our customers. We have a variety of gifts for everyone :) If you want us to stay, please let people know about us! We are on social media and you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please like, comment, share to help spread the word about the wonderful products we carry by smaller artists, designers, and brands. You can also shop online, which makes it great for non-locals!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and see you soon,


Weekdays: 12-7pm
Weekends: 11am-6pm
Closed: Tuesdays

Tags: Store News